
Whenever George (our cat) thinks we've studied enough, he just jumps up and sprawls over the books. He doesn't move, just lies there and purrs. I've decided that he can be my new study buddy, and whenever he says stop, I will. So, forget that midterm tomorrow. Who wants to go out for ice cream?

We've somewhat settled in the new place. Except I still haven't adjusted to having no window. Anyone who talks to me in real life will have heard this many times already. I can never wake up before noon, unless I hit snooze for about 40 minutes. A girl needs sunlight! It's disorienting waking up in complete darkness. I love, love, love being downtown though. Everything I need is right outside my door. I didn't cook for the first 17 days living here.

I just watched Before Sunrise with Ethan Hawke and Julia Dempsey, mainly because I had heard about the sequel and I thought it sounded interesting and wanted the backstory. At first, I wasn't so into it. I see the concept, and it's interesting... But so unlikely. And even if it was a likely occurrence, I'd hate to do it. Not the wandering around a foreign city, but the pretentious, self-important-but-goofy talk would get to me too much. But the message is nice. And I can think of a few people in particular that I really connected with at various points... but then had to leave. I think that's good sometimes. Not that you have to leave them, but to know that you met someone and there was something there; you really like them, and you know they really like you. And you miss them for a while... but there is something sweet in missing of this kind.

...I stole that last line from Mags...